目前分類:Music (12)

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先回顧一下上一場マーヤ的LIVE: 坂本真綾 LIVE TOUR 2009 "WE ARE KAZEYOMI!"。我本身是マーヤ fan,所以上次看完 "WE ARE KAZEYOMI!"這場LIVE DVD,同時也是她第一場LIVE DVD時,只有感動可以形容...

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昨晚順手點開一話"あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない",赫然發現它的ED竟然是”secret base 〜君がくれたもの〜”,讓我掉進回憶中...

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silentlain 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

昨天和朋友去唱歌,店內看到Asriel Live In Tawan 2010海報,隨口問了老闆,才知道這場LIVE因為售票情況不佳而取消了。原本還在考慮要不要去,這下也不用考慮了...

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JAM PROJECT來台演唱會這件事我想已經不是新聞,這次身邊有不少人都打算衝,加一加總共10張。因為考慮到現場訂票可能會有張數上限,所以決定用年代售票系統的網路訂票,於是乎,我的艱辛訂票之路便開始了...

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[初音ミク]私は人間じゃないから -Full ver

之前在PTT C_CHAT版看到,這首是原創曲.

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This is part 2.
If you missed part 1, check it out here

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Recently i  got a Altec Lansing AHP-512 headphone in my lab. It came as a giveaway with my father's speaker Altec Lansing VS2121. In short, it  has all the disadvantages of low level altec lansing headphones such as too much bass and very very uncomfotable. I can't wear this for more than an hour. Except for those, it's sound quality is OK for a low level headphone, though i don't know how much it costs,i can't find anywhere to buy it in Taiwan. It has a long line, plus an in-line volume control.  It's noise concealment is good, which just fits my use in lab.
In all, if you like heavy bass and can bear the uncomfortable, this is good choise for you ; otherwise, leave it away, it doesn't worth your money. 

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The following article is still under refinement

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